Submission will open soon

ICEMTEC 2024 Invites

  • Research Papers
  • Review Papers
  • Poster
  • Paper Sumission


    General information

    • Please only use the provided abstract template for your submission.
    • Abstract can be submitted either for oral or poster presentation.
    • Abstract must only be submitted through EasyChair. Link will be provided soon.
    • Accepted abstracts will be available on “Book of Abstracts” (e-book).

    Abstract submission guideline

    • Abstract must be written in English and does not exceed 250 words.
    • Abstract can include one photograph/graph/diagram (but no table) but must not exceed one A4 page.

    All submitted full papers are currently under review, and authors will be notified as soon as the reviews are available.

      ICEMTEC 2024 Awards

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